Silent Freedom Has Been Published
Great News! Silent Freedom: A Memoir of Service with the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) in Iraq has been published by Aurea Press and will soon be available in ebook and paperback at major retailers including Amazon. In the meantime, you can purchase the book now via my author page on Lulu.
The book is a memoir of service with the 101st Airborne Division Air Assault (AASLT) in Iraq. We were attacked by terrorists on 9/11, which caused multiple units, including the 101st, to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan. We forgive, but we don’t forget.
The book is a memoir of selfless service, courage, love, loss, faith, and belief that we are instruments of peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, joy. That is the prayer of St. Francis and it helped me while fighting the war.
The book will let you feel the stress of what soldiers went through in a theater of conflict, show you what I saw in combat, and describe how I survived with my silent freedom. The book informs, entertains, and enlightens the reader about how silent freedom helps us think what we want to think and choose what we want to do with life without restraints. Life is like walking on a thin wire and anything could happen during war. The book inspires the reader to improve the world through love, faith, and hope that someday, everything will be all right, and we will achieve what we have hoped for. God has plan for everybody.
I would like to share with you everything that happened to me while in Iraq. You are going to love it. It will soon be available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, other major book retailers, and at stores near you. I am also looking into providing an audiobook soon.
Silent Freedom would make a nice gift as it inspires others to overcome battles of hard choices and survival. After I returned from Iraq, I felt like I could do anything. My faith and service have empowered me to help others. This is just a starting point for the Silent Freedom launch. There’s a lot more to expect. You will love it. Hope to see you soon.
Aurea Franklin