New Year, New Hope
I remember my parents telling me to wish for great things on New Year’s Eve. They reminded me to put lots of coins in my pocket and told me to shake my pocket when the clock hits midnight hour. And I did what I was told. The billions did not come, but I got riches of a different sort. Lots of love from my family instead, and that was enough while I kept my other dreams to my silent freedom.
As I got caught up in material things, those thoughts changed when I deployed to Iraq. We were staged in Kuwait waiting for our time to fly over to Iraq. As my fellow soldiers and I got ready for work one day, we trimmed out cots before we left for work like we were taught at basic training. At work, there was a blinding dust storm and we stayed in place at the work tent. I was surprised to see the impact of the storm when we went back to our living tent. The dust had covered our cots, and we had to dig deep but finally found our duffle bags and sleeping cots. From then on, my subjective life perspective changed about material possessions that could disappear at any time. My perspective changed for the better. My objectivity has brought more life satisfaction and I have never stopped sharing my story. I started inspiring others that we will always want something, and will keep on wanting over and over. I’ve found out that only Faith, Hope, and Love stays forever. I always feel the Holy Spirit is with me when I forgive and give the gifts of Faith, Hope, and Love.
I remember the epiphany as we celebrate new year. I will always remember Reverend Father Espino, one of the priests at my church, during his homily. He said that “As King, Jesus Christ could have chosen to be born in a majestic palace, or in the middle of a city coming from above amazing everyone where he came from, or he could have chosen to be outside someone’s yard and let a family discover Him, or maybe under a Christmas tree with all the presents. But He chose instead to be born in a manger. God wants to be the center of joy, of love, and we celebrate it for life.”
Reverend Father Vives also talked about God’s glory in celebration of epiphany on December 31, 2023. He said, “Jesus rebuilds His glory in the family and also shines in the family. God is manifested through a family, to communicate to us through His love and His life. He taught us respect for parents, support from and to our parents, how we should be giving to others, and knowing what is good.”
These are amazing reminders of celebrating epiphany before the New Year 2024.
While I was deployed to Iraq, the New Year celebration could have been filled with awesome fireworks to celebrate a new life in a new year. But how would the sound of firecrackers not frighten anyone in the battlefield? It could mean a sound of a fatal attack by the aggressors. We always kept our guard at war. We never knew what would happen next. Today, we can never be too careful even in a free nation like ours due to current protests and the current wars going on in Ukraine and Israel. It is unfortunate that this has come upon our allies and us, as we help them. But Faith and Hope for a better future will always prevail.
Hope Y’all celebrate your new year comfortably, yet cognizant about your environment and the gift of Freedom. Spiritual Freedom that has been earned through the blood of Christ, and physical Freedom that has been earned by the blood of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Take the lessons, the triumph, and the tragedy of the past and forge ahead into the new year with Hope and Faith my brothers and sisters. For it is the Hope and Faith and Love that matters most.
Stay well, stay safe. As always: If you see something, say something.
Happy New Year, everyone from the Silent Freedom Team!
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” (G.K. Chesterton)