101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)

This INDEPENDENCE DAY I have chosen to do a Spotlight on the 101st.

Featuring 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Established in 1918, the 101st was first constituted as an airborne unit in 1942. The 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) is the only air assault infantry division of the United States Army that specializes in air assault operations. It can plan effectively, coordinate well, and execute multiple battalion-size air assault operations to seize terrain. It is one of the most famous and feared in the United States armed forces history. It became popular due to its involvement during World War II and the Band of Brothers series.

Its “Screaming Eagle” insignia is perhaps the most recognized and famous shoulder sleeve insignia in the world. The eagle on the shoulder is not just any American Bald Eagle, but instead, it commemorates the most famous animal mascot that ever served in the United States Army. General Order No. 5, which gave birth to the division states, “Let me call your attention to the fact that our badge is the great American eagle. This is a fitting emblem for a division that will crush its enemies by falling upon them like a thunderbolt from the skies.”

It was Major General William C. Lee, the first commander of the 101st Airborne Division who promised his new recruits on August 19, 1942, that although the new division has no history, it would soon have a “Rendezvous with Destiny.” It has become the 101st motto since then. With its stalwart troops prepared to fight for freedom at any time, the “Screaming Eagles” has never failed the prophecy to have rendezvous with destiny.

The Screaming Eagles has consistently distinguished itself by demonstrating the highest standards of military professionalism since it was activated at one minute after midnight, August 16, 1942. The date August 16th is very personally and emotionally important to me. I reported for basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina on August 16th. It was my very first Active Duty day in the United States Regular Army, that paved my way to be assigned to the 101 st Airborne Division later.

On June 6, 2024, the World has seen the 80th Commemoration of the Battle of Normandy, France. As I watched the celebration, I grabbed my book, Silent Freedom and hugged it as it brought back memories of how fierce the 101st was during the war. The 101st Airborne Division Air Assault played a major part on June 06, 1944 when Allied forces launched an amphibious assault codenamed Operation Overlord for a massive Allied invasion of Normandy, France with approximately 156,000 troops. France at the time was occupied by the armies of Nazi Germany. Despite their success, some 4,000 Allied troops were killed by German soldiers defending the beaches.

The 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions landed by parachute and glider near the town of Ste. Mere-Eglise, France on June 06, 1944, to clear the way for troops to land on Utah Beach, and they secured roads leading from the shoreline and obstructing enemy efforts to reinforce beach defenses. The 101 st also liberated the Netherlands during Operation Market Garden on September 17 to 27, 1944, and its action during the Battle of the Bulge around the city of Bastogne, Belgium. It was also known as the Ardennes Offensive and known to be the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II, which took place from December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945.

Also, during the Vietnam War, the 101st Airborne Division fought in several major campaigns and battle, including the Battle of Hamburger Hill in May 1969. On May 11, 1969, Hamburger Hill becomes the scene of an intense and controversial battle during the Vietnam War. It took 11 assaults to finally capture Hamburger Hill under the command of General Melvin Zais, Commanding General of the 101 st . Thousands of U.S troops and South Vietnamese soldiers fought their way to the summit. In the face of the four- battalion attack, the North Vietnamese retreated to sanctuary areas in Laos.

In the middle of 1968, 101st was reorganized and redesignated as an airmobile division and then in 1974 as an air assault division. I will forever be proud to be assigned to the 101st , an elite division of light infantry in the U.S. military force. With three brigade combat teams, the 101st is capable of simultaneously deploying multiple teams to austere environments behind enemy lines. I know, I have seen them in action, live. I came to know more about the 101st and why it is so special, when we deployed for a foreign internal defense and counterterrorism operations in Iraq in 2003. The monumental effort improved security vastly and the transfer of several areas to Iraq control was challenging, but was successfully accomplished prior to the division’s redeployment to the United States. The 101st was the first unit to deploy in support of the U.S. War on Terrorism. Within Iraq, the 101st Airborne Division’s brigades performed counterinsurgency operations, consisting mostly of raids, ambushes, and patrolling. It also performed combat air assaults throughout the operation. In 2003, Major General David H. Petraeus, or Eagle 6, as the commanding general is known, led the Screaming Eagles to war during the invasion of Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freedom. The division was in V Corps, supporting the 3rd Infantry Division by clearing Iraqi strongpoints, which that division had bypassed. Our very own 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Brigade, otherwise known as The Rakkasans, or 3rd Brigade was attached to the 3rd Infantry Division and provided the main effort in clearing Saddam International Airport. The details of the operation are written in my book, “Silent Freedom, A Memoir…” The 101st also deployed to Afghanistan counterterrorism operations in 2025-2016, and in Syria, as part of Operation Inherent Resolve in 2018-2021. I will be remiss if I omit in recognizing the courage of all the strong men and women who participated in the liberation of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and many other countries from tyranny. The 101st are instrumental in keeping the peace and independence of our nation and our allies.

Please read my book, “Silent Freedom, A Memoir of Service with the 101st Airborne Division, Air Assault in Iraq” available in amazon.com, lulu.com and on my website. Today, the 101st Airborne Division has seven units, consisting of battalions and companies under each brigade:

101st Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion

1st Brigade Combat Team

2nd Brigade Combat Team

3rd Brigade Combat Team

101st Airborne Division Artillery

101st Sustainment Brigade

101st Combat Aviation Brigade

The 101st is recognized for its unmatched Air Assault capability, its ability to execute any combat or contingency mission anywhere in the world, and is still proving its mettle as tomorrow’s division in today’s Army. On Independence Day, whether we watch the celebration in person or on Television, let us remember and be grateful to our brave men and women at the Fight, and the dedicated leaders who trained them diligently to be what they are now, Lethal. We owe them great respect for their duty, courage, selfless service, loyalty to bear true faith and allegiance to the United states Constitution, perseverance, integrity, honor, and everything good in their hearts.

As we celebrate Independence Day, watch, and listen to the crackling sound of firecrackers, let us keep those sparkles of true faith and hope that

the future will be better.





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